Czech Republic


Food Pyramid – Measurements

My first contact with the Titanium Pyramid started at my good friend´s place who has a beautiful 6 cm “gold“ Titanium Pyramid. I liked it very much, so I bought my 8 cm “gold“ Titanium Pyramid. She is a wonderful energetic being who after a few days at our house started to communicate with me mentally. It's beyond belief what she can do. I hadn't been able to find a dentist for almost a year since mine retired. I asked her for help and found a dentist within three days. This is one of the many miracles that have happened in our home since then. She revealed to me that she has connections to all the pyramids on our planet.

I recently got the opportunity to purchase a new 32.5 cm food Titanium pyramid in (or under) which food, water, medicine and basically anything that needs cleansing and energizing can be put. So I got the opportunity to test it and measure its energy potential. It's truly a minor miracle what this pyramid can do with the stuff put in/under. After a few hours, it turns the energetically dead tap water into a living, highly energetically charged water. I also discovered that the pH values, i.e. the ratio of hydrogen and hydroxide ions, increase in the water placed under the titanium pyramid. This makes the water more alkaline, more energized and therefore more beneficial to the body. After two days under the pyramid, its pH rose from 7.2 to 8.2. It can also somehow transform the poisons from chemically treated foods so that they are not so harmful. After putting the shaver under the pyramid, I´ve been still using it for two weeks, which I could only do for one week before.

I have heard and read about pyramids and their healing effects before, but having one at home is absolutely amazing. I carried out the measurements with a pendulum on the table of the Bovis biometer, which indicates the value of the bioenergy of the measured things in Bovis units - Bj. It is the intensity of radiation or energy in a given object or place. 1000 Bj. corresponds to 1 nanometer of a common wavelength. 1000 Bj. is a fatally low value.

The pyramid first settles down and gradually, over a few days, increases the intensity of the radiation. Now a few examples from measurements:

1 litre jug of tap water - 1000 Bj. After 5 hours 14000 Bj. After 10 hours 16000 Bj. After 20 hours 38000 Bj. After 25 hours 54000 Bj. Apple from the store - 5000 Bj. After 20 hours 18000 Bj. Nectarines from the store - 4000 Bj. After 20 hours 18000 Bj. Honey from the beekeeper - 9000 Bj. After 5 hours 12000 Bj. After 15 hours 19000 Bj. Honey from the store - 2000 Bj. After 5 hours 4000 Bj. After 15 hours 6000 Bj. Canned tuna in oil - 2000 Bj. After 5 hours 10000 Bj. After 15 hours 20000 Bj.

It is clearly seen that water, as the bearer of life, has the greatest increase in bioenergy after staying in the pyramid, and that energy, so important for the body, is missing in tap water.

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