Czech Republic

Jaroslav Lepeska

Since 2014 I have intensively worked with Tibetan singing bowls. In the form of massages, or creation of acoustic accompanying for yoga lessons. I also went on trips to powerful locations of Bohemia and Moravia. All together these were several hundred events. I gained many experiences. Tibetan singing bowls are a great tool. The event participants can attest of frequently incredible experiences. About the Universe, past lives, experiences with sound, space, time, existence. But also about struggles with own fright, pain, frustration and many other things. All that with the goal to learn about oneself and to get rid of problems and limitations.

After some time I started to purchase other “musical” instruments to go along with the TIbetan singing bowls – gongs etc. My motivation was to seek other possibilities of effects of sound frequencies on listeners and me myself, of course. In 2020 I first heard of Titanium Pyramids. Since any pyramids and their effect are my years-long passions, after a short hesitation I purchased two Titanium Pyramids with a 10-cm base. Of course I started to use them immediately for meditation along with Tibetan singing bowls. And with smaller groups of sensitive friends and acquaintances. I repeatedly tested the word of the dealer regarding the particularity of Titanium Pyramids. I can attest that Titanium Pyramids strongly amplify the effects of sound meditations. Especially when they are used in a pair, placed with bases towards each other and rotating placed in a rotator. They help to create light columns, clean spaces, bodies and consciousness of the participants. They allow them to reach altered states of mind quicker. I am sure it is a phenomenon which should be examined further. The limits of their utilisation have not yet been reached.

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