Czech Republic

Hana Sahhu-Arah

It will be some time since I was called to the titanium pyramids, visions, memories and information began to form until I had my first pyramid at home. It took some time for me to explore this energy in many ways. The turning point was during my stay in the dark, where I had the pyramid with me and I realized that it was a very powerful energy tool that was to be given to us on Earth and that, like the crystals, I was to convey it to people as one of the tools of the ascension plan.
I feel that everyone can react to the titanium pyramid in a different way. That's why I offer part of my perspective and personal experience that I've lived through, and how I perceive it.

My first vision before the pyramid was delivered to me was of intergalactic space, a place that was a sort of crossroads where there were many portals but also a megalithic stargate. Titanium energy in various forms was key at this point and related to energy transfer through gates and access to portals. I wasn't even surprised that the crystals, their holograms, and the keys were there. I understand that there are many people here who have traveled through this place and thus know it very well.

And how does titanium in the form of a pyramid work for us on Earth? Its main aspect is a strong generative field, which can affect everyone differently, and I perceive that working with it has certain time phases..

At first, when I brought the pyramid home, an energetic circular net started to form around me immediately and worked as an energy generator for my physical body at once. The energy permeated my body, cells, DNA, various bodily information nets, where certain recoding, levelling off and rejuvenation took place, and the same happened to my brain, where the already weak nets (old patterns, programmes that did not work any longer but the connections still existed) literally vanished. Then, the energy started to fill the other fine-material bodies of mine and filled the entire auric space of mine, which it spread to the space more and more. I feel that this process may take different time in each of us; as for me, it took several days, but it may take several months if you have troubles with your physical body, which must be treated and regenerated. The energy of the pyramid rectifies and mends at many levels and thus treats what is not balanced. That is the first stage, which serves as a tool supporting and regenerating the physical body. It gives energy to people, treats them and gets their vibrations onto the next level.

This bodily work was followed by the next stage. The pyramid opened its top (the peak of the pyramid), a golden luminary rotating orb appeared and our Conscience linked. Everyone works differently, but you can imagine it as:

(a) connection to your heart,
(b) connection to your own golden coat of arms inside yourself,
(c) connection to your intention, to your Conscience,
(d) a touch.

I also need to add that when the pyramid opens up, an intention basically corresponding to the God plan is waiting for your instruction to let it act. What came to me was to let the pyramid show me which spheres it worked in and which place it wanted to take me to. Your intention may be very different, just let the pyramid lead you.

By our interconnection, the pyramid sent a ray of light up to the space and anchored my body strongly to the Earth. It held my energetic field to let me follow that ray, in which I stood straight as if I was levitating and wandered where the light was heading. And it took me to the place that is part of me… It means that I visited a part of my stellar homeland where very private things happened, so I am not going to describe them here, but I can say that certain deep memories opened up and thus my galactic Consciousness strengthened.

As I later discovered, the titanium pyramid can permeate various dimensions with its ray; specifically, the pyramid with the 15 cm base can reach the 9D, the pyramid with the 20 cm base can do it, too, but as if there was the end of the active working range of that energy…

When, later, I came across a smaller pyramid, I found that smaller pyramids have a smaller dimensional reach and, of course, a weaker impact on the physical body, so the body activation and regeneration process may take longer and the pyramid may not take you to 9D with its ray.

For the whole time, I worked with the 15 cm pyramid, which I therefore recommend to those who do not want to be limited by the dimensional space. But many will find a lower dimensional level sufficient, too.

For me, the most important aspect of the titanium pyramid is work with the physical and subtle body and with an increase in the personal energy, renovation of the DNA fibres, regeneration, rejuvenation and levelling off, an increase in vibrations, which can lead us to the astral conscious space.

With the pyramid, I can wander to various places, to activation chambers, but I feel that it is still the space which is somehow connected to us and where I can expect some handover, learning and remembering or activation.

It is one of the tools that was given to us to open up to the multi-dimensional work, to connecting to our Higher Self and Super Soul, and to realisation of the Infiniteness of our Soul.

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