Czech Republic

Dagmar Kamasová

When I first took the Titanium Pyramid from the box into my hand, strong energy flowed through my body, I had goose bumps all over it, I felt very pleasant flow of warm energy, which flowed through my entire body, from head to toe. I felt connection with the source, pure white light. It started to work gradually with all chakras, it increased their rotation in the entire body, from organs, meridians – every cell vibrated. I strongly felt protection from above and safety.

When I measured the efficiency of the Pyramid with a divining rod and I was surprised, that the 6-cm pyramid neutralizes a geopathogenic zone and electromagnetic radiation in a diameter of 3.5 metres from the pyramid and when I turned it with its walls to all points of compass, its effect was improved by 2 more metres, it was 5.5 metres in diameter. The 6 cm pyramid coated with titanium nitride was twice a effective, 7 m in diameter and 9 m turned to all points of the compass.

The Titanium Pyramid perfectly harmonises its environment and also all persons, animals and plants in its vicinity. Regeneration, body, mind and psyche healing is faster. It is a great help in today’s demanding times. The system is purifying itself, everything is grounded away from the body and it becomes lighter, gains more energy, it is internally more balanced and resilient. I would recommend it as a form of family help for anyone. It is nice to be with high vibration frequencies every day, because we need them to attract only the best.

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