Christine Hodil

My personal meeting and interaction with the titanium pyramid

I see clairgnostically and clairscentiently how the small pyramid and the largest pyramid’s energy channels are slightly different. The large one is much more complex in what it can carry in frequency and dissemination because its interface is much stronger. Besides its energetic templates in comparison, the small one does not „pack a punch“, the energy of transformation, as much as the large one. The middle size is slightly more elevated to the small one; the large is the ‚chief‘ in its potential grand effect. The large size is helpful to affect the whole person, perhaps especially for the more readied / realized person who already has enough spiritual circuitry to be able to handle the much larger charge of the device’s circuitry. Actually, device is a poor word.. they are alive and the large ones are imbued more with that essence. They are a construct of reality. People can potentially resonate much more strongly and receive the energy that is being transmitted through them through more aspects of their bodies, especially through their blood and lymph. More power of light is able to fit in it.

I now become aware of the pyramid shape itself, and know it can reactivate the memory of past teachings (both positive and disempowering ones) that were stored by the pituitary and pineal glands in the body. Discord and hatred cannot exist here, in these strictures and the “in tune” teachings. Arcturans are involved, as are other stellar Beings. They are here to create peace and understanding for us within, with others, and with all life, so that we understand viscerally how the worlds so-exist and rely on each other. This is a law of Nature, and cannot be changed.

I see that it evokes much for most of humanity in terms of our knowledge and lifetimes in the cultures that built pyramids to instate higher frequencies of consciousness, balance, and communication between each other. This promotes harmony and stability. As this old knowledge and teachings arise, we can remember and engage with the positive qualities of our times. It can also bring up lower frequencies caused by our memories- which is also good, since we need to meet and delete them. The higher recognition of the truth of this shape can help us remember how they were used to purify and raise our frequencies, and how they are a building block of crystalline nature which we are evolving into.

They awaken ancient and future connections– the knowledge of our origins and future, and our capacity of merging in our current human lives and with all the realms of time and space. With attention through our ‘3rd eye’, we can gain insight into the hierarchy of becoming and re-becoming, opening and empowering enormous potential of the conception of spiritual purity.

I experience the Titanium Pyramid helping me ground in a shaft of awakened dark light, creationary energy, into Earth. I noticed it enhance other superb empowering energetics already set up in my home and offices. While sitting, I am drawn to hold it in both my hands (which rest on my legs) with fingers under 2 of the opposite sides, and with my thumbs midway on top of these sides. I feel its radiant quality sending information up my arms, and my body evened out my right and left sides, and my etheric template strengthened. It awakens and strengthens prime structures within my subtle energy templates. It helps instate more solidity as a harmonized light Being and human person, without any distinction between them. It helps support a unified, harmonized awake and aware Human.

I sense her as a living light being, a ‘she’, a living intelligence- much more than a ‘tool or object’, which resides throughout thisTtitanium Pyramid structure to assist us in gathering our resources for full awakening into the mystery and majesty of our unified Self, knowing Oneness with Life, and integral harmonious rapport with all that is. This is our true stature, and we are being enabled now to really show up as this in this Earth plane. Hallelujah! I feel more solidly „in“, centered and grounded, whole, and in communion with Life and all around me with a wonderful knowing my place. I am aware of the harmony of my full energetic system, my ‘light body’, which includes my body and mind as a soul throughout all time and space. I recognize it can give a person a sense of belonging asit can bring great energy and concentrated awareness, a Oneness KNOWING, a surety about oneself in the cosmic order of all things. This is enlivening as a personality, and as a consciousness currently enjoying an Earth plane exploration. There is no longer a difference in my perception of myself as a body, mind, or awakened spirit- without any doubt, I know I am IT, the greater existance.

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