Czech Republic

Andrea Viola Sluková

At first sight, the titanium pyramid looked quite inconspicuous. But only until I picked it up or stayed in its presence for a while. And, most importantly, until I had the opportunity to enter one of the big ones and stay in it for some time. There is so much power in it, so many messages it can convey. I can feel it,

* that it is a wonderful bridge between heaven and earth,

* that by the very nature of the form of its base, it can bring a sense of stability and a sense of security to life here on earth, and that it is also a powerful antenna that can connect us to the consciousness and wisdom of the universe and our lucky star,

* that it is at the same time a blue amplifier of all that is good and all that is bad. And if you discover this principle, it will lead you to purity of thought and of all our intentions and actions.

I see it as one of the tools that can give us a sense of what it is like to really stand with our feet firmly on the ground and live our daily life in our heart and consciously walk through life along the path of our heart. In its presence, it is so easy to connect with our heart and the riches we know deep down that they exist and that we are their bearers, and to stay connected forever.

In contact with the pyramid, it is also possible to see and feel what it is like to be a beacon of one life and to be in touch with the gifts that were given to us at birth. I am very grateful for the opportunity to meet and stay in the titanium pyramid. Connecting with its message and wisdom opens for me every day new and more mysteries of life on the path of my heart.

In one of the meditations, it was shown to me that it brings LIGHT FOR THE PLANET.

Thank you for all that comes through the Titanium Pyramid.

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