
The phenomenon of the titanium pyramids

1. History of the pyramids

Pyramids have been of interest to mankind since time immemorial and are the subject of many different studies. However, the true meaning of pyramidal structures and their effect on humans has not yet been fully understood and clarified by people. From today's point of view, these are objects that required a huge amount of work and building material for their implementation. The stone design of the pyramids can be found, among others, in Egypt and Sudan.

Giza in Egypt

Meroe in Sudan

We can also see pyramids in Mexico, Guatemala or Honduras.

Teotihuacan in Mexico

Tikal in Guatemala

Copán in Honduras

Fired or unfired bricks were also used for the construction of pyramids,
which can be found in Iran or Cambodia, for example.

Ur in Iran

Koh Ker in Cambodia

We can also meet pyramids in Russia or China.

Crimea in Russia

Xi-an in China

But the pyramids were also formed from separate rock monoliths that occur in the Far East or in Tibet. I leave aside the method and technology of dressing these massifs.

Kamchatka in Russia

Kailas in Tibet

Pyramids have also been identified outside of our planet Earth.

Pyramid on the Moon

Pyramids on Mars

The common denominator of all these structures is silicon, which with its piezoelectric properties has the ability to generate static electricity. But that would be very little for the pyramids to be built on such a massive scale throughout the very long timeline of human history. And therefore there is a very fundamental question, why were the pyramids built at all? What civilization brought this technology and what was it for?

2. Use of pyramids according to individual cultures

In modern history, the opinion that the pyramids served as tombs of rulers is promoted by the current scientific community. With all due respect to this opinion, there was no technology in these times of rulership with which the buildings could be realized. No skeletal remains of the rulers or relics for the posthumous pilgrimage were found in the underground chambers. Pyramid structures were also used as oracles because of the specific energy at its tip, or as sacrificial places, which is a matter for cultures that had no idea of the true function of pyramids.

3. Why were the pyramids built in specific places?

A number of researchers have proven that the pyramids were built in specific places, which have their own order and system from a planetary point of view. These are power points that are connected by power lines, so-called ley lines.

The location of these points is known, but in many places we no longer find any pyramids, but only traces of an ancient civilization or even traces of thermonuclear destruction. Do the pyramids with their exact location on the planet Earth and mutual power connection have any other meaning and for whom? Indeed they have, and this knowledge has been much used by the initiated builders in the establishment and placement of sacred structures. There is already a lot of knowledge behind each question these days and information for the prepared is available. However, it depends on the individual which area of research appealed to them and which they will deal with. However, we can responsibly say that it is a research journey on which there will be no signposts at times. The decision about the next direction of learning will then completely depend on the researcher using their inner navigation and intuition.

4. New material design of pyramids and measurement of their effects

At present, the investigation of pyramidal radiation is the subject of both amateur and professional activity. People make hollow pyramids from wood, from various metals, they even build pyramid-shaped dwellings.

In the same way, they use materials to build pyramids only to assemble the shape using their edges. A very specific construction is used by Russian scientists when they build huge glass pyramids and carry out research on living matter in them. In a similar way, solid pyramids are made from various metals, semi-precious stones, up to huge structures made of concrete. Pyramids are shaped emitters and emit pyramidal energy through their shape and material design into the external environment. The pyramids react to electromagnetic waves generated by the Earth's north and south magnetic poles. The maximum efficacy is thus achieved when any edge of the base of the pyramid is turned parallel to these lines of force (one of the walls of the pyramid then faces north/south). There is also an interaction of the positive ionospheric radiation of the Earth with the negative potential of the walls of the pyramid, where a voltage potential in the order of thousands of volts can be detected. This discovery was patented by Nikola Tesla in May 1905 (Patent No. 787 412). In the immediate vicinity of the pyramids, it is also possible to demonstrably measure an increased amount of negative ions with their beneficial effects on the environment and people. All these specific pyramid designs bring unique knowledge that can be used for the benefit of humanity.

5. Man as a multi-dimensional being and pyramids as multi-dimensional emitters

The latest scientific knowledge admits that the mitochondria in human cells, which have the function of small power plants for cellular respiration, cooperate with other energetic yet unmeasurable subtle fields. In other alternative teachings, religions and philosophies, this information about energies has different names, but it also has a common conclusion. It says that man is a multi-dimensional being, which means that he is influenced by a spectrum of subtle energies, which with their different frequencies affects the emotional, psychic and mental component of a person. It also acts on the intuitive and creative platform of an individual. At the same time, these energies touch areas of action, which a person is not able to comprehend intellectually, but only with their inner feeling. The more one discovers these tremors of feeling communication within themselves, the more one opens up to their well of knowledge to which every individual on this planet has full right (and access). At the same time, with this knowledge, there is an enormous increase in the quality of an individual's life. In short, a person is a multi-dimensional being, and the pyramids are multi-dimensional emitters (receiver and transmitter) whose energy communicates with a person's aura.

6. Synchronicity of the pyramidal field
with the human aura and its effects

Cosmic energy radiating from the center of the galaxy, but also primordial light or God's breath, as well as prana, etc., these are only some of the names of this multi-dimensional energy with its information field (Divine intelligence), which spreads from the source in all directions. Our planet with the Solar System are located far from the center of the galaxy – the source. Many sources talk about the fact that ancient civilizations solved this handicap by building pyramids, which multiply this primordial force in the entire spectrum and allow a person to be a part of this primordial force in a much greater intensity and with positive effects on them. There is also information that these structures were also used as teleportation devices to materialize or dematerialize individuals with a high degree of spiritual knowledge and experience. Generally speaking, the pyramids were built on Earth for the purpose of receiving cosmic energy and communication with each other, initiation and transition of matter into information and vice versa, to connect human consciousness with force fields of higher knowledge. All earthly pyramids are devices of their own kind, devices for changing human consciousness, bringing it closer to cosmic consciousness and raising the spiritual level of humanity.

7. Specific properties and phenomenon
of titanium pyramids

Ancient civilizations mainly used silicon-containing materials to build pyramids. Their number and ratio to the number of humanity at a certain time was quite limited. In other words, only a certain group of people had the ability to use the aura of the pyramids, and an even smaller number of its true properties, which were kept secret from the general public. This could be said that for many millennia humanity was in the shadow of the radiation of divine energy from the source and that the pyramids were only for the chosen ones. But within the "divine justice" this phenomenon of pyramidal energy should be accessible to everyone. The wise universe solved this by sending people the information about the titanium pyramids, the effects of which are many times higher than the silicon pyramids and have a comfortable size available for every individual. The effect of the titanium pyramids can be further multiplied by rotating the octahedron (two Ti pyramids joint at their bases) at a speed of 72 rpm. The vortex of this pyramidal energy has full synchronicity with the multi-dimensional field of man and the subsequent inspirational stimuli of the individual in the field of physical, mental and spiritual health. Titanium pyramids are an individual helper and inspirer on the journey of life, they help a person experience the closeness of the divine nature within themselves. However, they are not a panacea, because it is still true that man is a free being whose supreme right is his individual decision. The use of titanium for the construction of pyramids (solid and hollow for meditation) is still the subject of further research and investigation. You can find up-to-date information about the product portfolio and research results here on this website.